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Seven Editors Best Picks

From the special issues of Distance et Médiations des Savoirs -Sous la direction de Martine Vidal

This post is designed first to celebrate this multi-journal innovative and cost effective means to enhance Distance Education (DE) scholarship. Secondly, I provide a very brief overview and annotation of each of the 7 articles in the special issue.

Congratulations and thanks to Martine Vidal for pulling off her second international scholarly collaboration in the field of open and distance education (see her 2008 DMS earlier collaboration of the Right to Education. Martine’s idea in designing Seven sister journals – seven international contributions to distance learning, was to invite the editors of seven internationaly known, peer reviewed DE journals to select the most important article from their journal in the past 15 years.  The editors were asked to select a significant contribution either to research, practice or both.  The resulting special issue appeared (under Creative Commons license) this month online.

Of course, I intended to immediately write this post as a tribute and a review when I saw the issue online. But alas time got in the way, and I may have negleted the task, as I didn’t really read the complete artciles until a free paper copy of the journal arrived in my mailbox.  What does that say about paper vs. electronic journals?

Likely there are readers (including you?)  who think this issue might be of interest, but will you really get around to reading these journal articles??

Hopefully, you can scan through this review and follow a link to the paper that you think sounds most interesting to your teaching, learning or researching – or all three.

I should note that  Distance et Médiations des Savoirs is usually a French language journal, so additional thanks to the DMS staff and editors for producing this  bilingual journal.

In order as they appear in the special issue:

1. IRRODL  Intro by Terry Anderson

Alfred P. Rovai Building Sense of Community at a Distance The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, apr. 2002

Like the other editors,  we had to consider what constituted the “best article” over 15 years of IRRODL production. First, I went to Open Journal System stats to check out the download numbers. This provides a pretty good estimate of “crowd sourcing”. However, it is biased towards older articles that have had longer time period to gain downloads. Next, I checked some of the top cited articles on Google Scholar and finally,  of course, we used our bundle of personal prejudices and  preferences to pick a winner. 

We choose Rovia’s 2002 article because it dug into the conceptual basis for the growing interest in distance education, not as independent study, but as an example of community operating at a distance.  Rovai’s article led to a companion piece in which he introduced his 20-item Classroom Community Scale that provides empirical measurement of the community experienced by DE learners.  In the introduction I couldn’t help but compare it to the Community of Inquiry model (developed just a few years earlier by Randy Garrison, Walter Archer and myself) and speculated on the greater use and citations of the COI model.  

The Rovai article does an excellent job of a overviewing the conceptual base for 7 dimensions of community- from trust, spirit common expectations to interaction. It goes on to isolate factors of interaction including transactional distance, social presence, social equity and actives associated with the learning design.

2. Asian Association of Distance Education Ramesh C. Sharma 

Fred Lockwood A Ladder of Publication: Scaffolding for emergent authors. Asian J D E 2003 vol 1, no 1, pp 5-11. Asian Journal of Distance Education 2007 vol 5, no 3, pp 10 – 27

Ramesh C. Sharma et Mohana Kumar Rajesh Tutor-Marked Assignments: Evaluation of Monitoring in India [Texte intégral]

Editor Ramesh Sharma choose two articles from the Asian Journal of DE. The first by Fred Lockwood provides a ladder model (moving up from seminars and workshops through chapter and articles to books), to describe the steps necessary to successfully publish and distribute scholarly research article.  It is striking to note the absence of discussion of open access publishing and its advantages, but then the article was written in 2003, long before open publishing culture and even Creative Commons was established. 

A bit strangely, Sharma choose one of his own articles for the second entry. This article examined the results from tutor marking and assessments of hypothetical DE students at Indira Gandhi Open University.  This empirical study looked at the nature and quality of the comments left by tutors after they had engaged in a professional development “orientation”. It is perhaps unfortunate that the study didn’t look at real assessments and feedback, rather than those produced to provide feedback on an anonymous assignment after the workshop – thus detracting from the face validity of the research.

3. EuropeanJournal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL)

Ulf-D. Ehlers Quality in e-Learning from a Learner’s Perspective. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, May 2004

Editor Uli Bernath choose a great article that overviews the complex issue of quality in learning.  Quality remains a focus, even though so ill and variously defined by all the educational stakeholders – including students. Thus, an article that focuses on learners’ perspective is especially useful.  In an era of increasing opportunity and individual responsibility for life-long learning, understanding what learners perceive as the most important features of e-learning experience is invaluable. The article covers both qualitative and quantitative data to produce 30 dimensions of quality. Generally my head begins to spin when talking about more than three dimensions – so thirty is a bit challenging. Fortunately, Ehlerscondenses these to 7 themes. He then presents data using cluster analysis to try to understand the different criteria for assessing quality by different crowds (aggregates of interests in a DE course).

4. DMS Distances et médiations des savoirs (DMS)

Jacques Béziat Formateur en ligne : vers un modèle d’action Distances et médiations des savoirs, n°1, Décembre 2012. Trainer Online: Towards an Action Model

Monique Grandbastien, Pierre Moeglin et Daniel Peraya  The host editors of DMS provide a nice description of how and why they chose this article.

This article discusses the role of the “trainer” – in this case I think it is like the tutor in a large-scale DE environment.  Unfortunately, my unilingual handicap meant it was much easier reading this French article through Google Translate (great improvement on translating the full article since last I checked!!!).  This model presented and validated, to some extent, (with very small N survey data) the teachers’ role in a paced DE program with synchronous and asynchronous sessions. The model gives a picture of the various types of actions encountered and required by trainers in this context.

5. Open Praxis

Inés Gil Jaurena, editor of Open Praxis introduces (for a number of well explained reasons) her selection of:

Sandra Peter et Markus Deimann On the role of openness in education: A historical reconstruction Open Praxis, vol. 5 issue 1, January–March 2013, pp. 7–14

Given the very long association with DE and openness – a linkage, that continues to grow to this day, is useful to examine the historical perspective – especially to us old guys! In their romp from late medieval to modern times, the authors note the evolving meaning and the various dimensions of openness. They also “highlight the danger of emphasizing one aspect of openness while backgrounding others and how unrestricted practices can quickly and repeatedly become institutionalized”(p. 6)  The article is now over 5 years old but I think there many discussions and technological innovations yet to come to contribute to our openness knowledge and practice in DE.

6. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education

Irwin DeVries provides a nice little essay that I couldn’t help but love, as it has“my name all over it” literally. In this selection we see a second reference to the valued perspective of the student, as opposed to the teacher, employer, government or institutional perspective

IJDE chose Penny Rush Isolation and Connection: The Experience of Distance Education International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education, La revue internationale de l’apprentissage en ligne et de l’enseignement à, Vol 30, n° 2 (2015).

This work analyzes a survey administered  in 2014 to 1002 students enrolled in DEprograms at the University of Tasmania. The analysis of the open-endedquestions reveals what students both like and dislike about DE. As expectedcommon themes for advantages centre on flexibility, self determination,location independence and necessity (the only choice, given life circumstance).Also unsurprisingly, disadvantages include lack of support from theinstitution, isolation and challenges of self-reliance and balancing busy lies.Major suggestions for improvement include more resources, more contact and more communications.

7. Open Education Research

Zhihui Wei introduces Ye Zhonghai, Zhang Yong et Ma Lihua. A Historical Overview of China’s Learning City Construction: Since the 1990’s.Open Education Research, vol. 1, No. 1, 2015

I confess to be quite out of words to describe this article from the Chinese Journal Open Education Research. The article is supposedly about how Smart Cities were designed, planned and implemented in China. However, even after reading the translated version (twice!), I have no idea how a “smart city” is defined, how exactly they function, how they are evaluated etc. etc. I did get LOTS of preaching, politically correct best practices and directions –supposedly for creation of best smart cities, but nothing that really struck me as scholarly rationale nor much of any evidence. Typically, the talk on security measures notes the smart learning organization “is associated with planning, guiding, evaluating, coordinating, supervising, and securing” But again, I have no idea what Smart Cities in China actually organize.

I looked through the titles of Open Educational Research in their archives of 24 years, and I see a lot of interesting titles- related to DE. I also could not locate this particular article as the reference in the special issue (and Google scholar) is incorrect- it isn’t in Vol 1 2015, or even volume Vol 19 1 2015. So I may be losing a lot in translation, but this is by far the weakest article in this special edition.


I think anyone with a strong interest in improving either practice or theory of DE will learn from and enjoy this special issue. It is nice to see global perspectives and to note the commonality of interests that we share.  I also really liked the mix of empirical results, “think pieces” and historical pieces. This is especially fortunate to get this mix as no one knew before hand what articles would be submitted. Please see links below for more detailed summaries of the seven articles. – or better yet – read the articles yourself!

For more detailed reviews please see the final articles in the special issue by Emmanuelle Voulgre and Clément Dussarps

More on Distance Education Journal Rankings

Both academics and administrators love to argue about the value (impact) of their academic work.  The old adage of “Publish or Perish” still has currency. Despite the many distribution opportunities besides and beyond publishing in scholarly journals, the bean counters (myself included) love citation indexes. The basic idea is that the more your work is cited or used by other scholars, the more impact it has had on the field.  Especially since the onslote of predatory open-access journals that support themselves through publishing fees with minimal peer -review, the decision as to where to send one’s work and the prestige, value and exposure involved in its publication, depends a great deal on the Journal. Work published in prestigious journals is distributed more widely – but of course, these journals also get more submissions, so acceptance is usually more difficult.

Thus, the better authors, submit better work, to better journals – creating a lockin of prestige that favours the older and more established journals.  Given this landscape, how does a new journal both attract quality submissions and then see that the work is widely distributed, such that it is cited by other researchers?

In this post I highlight some of the factors that lead to the success of the International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL)

In our case, it was helpful that the discipline is relatively new and expanding – certainly the context of distance, open and online education has expanded since 2001 when IRRODL was founded. It turns out that being an early adopter of online (only) and open access were also critical decisions. Being online only, meant that our distribution and production costs were significantly lower than paper only or dual media publications. Secondly, by allowing free and open access, we allowed scholars from around the world to read our publications, without needing subscription purchases, going to physical libraries or finding our work through proprietary indexes or scholarly database systems. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we had a sponsor (in our case Athabasca University) who felt that the focus of the journal matched well and supported the strategic mission of this relatively new and totally online university.

During the ten years that I served as Editor, we fought many battles with funders, authors, software systems and ourselves!, but we managed to attract a growing numbers of subscribers, authors and reviewers.  A very significant move was as early adopters of Canada’s Open Journal System (OJS), that coordinates review and publication processes. OJS has come to be, by a  wide margin, the world’s most widely used journal publication system – offering open access systems for free in many languages.

So, where are in 2018?

The major commercial journal publishers (notably Scopus and Social Science Citation Index) provide listings of the citation metrics from major scholarly journals in all fields.  These are used as a numeric indicator quality of the journal and the articles published. These ratings are calculated using a variety of metrics but basically they count the average number of times an article published in a journal is referenced or cited by others (now including automated systems). These indexes can be modified to discount self publications, to include a measure of the annual number of publications and the prestige of the journals in which the work is cited and other factors designed to enhance the validity of the count – thus the different column headings in the table below.

The current co-editor of IRRODL Rory McGreal has gathered recent (2017) data from Scopius to produce the table below see .

Journal Title


Cite Score




Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Educational Technology Research and Development
British Journal of Educational Technology
International Review of Open and Distributed Learning
Open Access
Educational Technology and Society
Distance Education
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
Technology Pedagogy and Education
International Journal of Technology in Higher Education
Open Access
American Journal of Distance Education
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education
Open Access
International Journal of Distance Education Technologies
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
Open Access

At one time, is was useful to discount comparison with educational technology journals as the focus of learning design, technology used and delivery was quite distinct between campus and distributed contexts. Today, in an era of blended and extensive technology use both on and off campus, these distinctions are much less meaningful.  By this old distinction, IROODL (followed closely by Australia’s Distance Education) is the most widely cited (of about 20 – not listed here) distance education journals.  The table shows that IRRODL continues to gain ground on the older and more established educational technology journals.

Also of interest is to note that 3 of the 14 journals offer their products freely to all. – giving evidence that publication in an open journal does not result in lower citations.

However it isn’t all that simple. Rory McGreal has informed me that TOJET is not open access in that their freely READABLE articles carry an “all rights reserved” tag.  This of course begs the question of how ‘open’ does ‘open’ have to be?

The gold seal that is supported by the DOAJ  calls for journal articles to “using Creative Commons Attribute (CCA) only.  Adding restrictions such as Non Commercial (CCNC) or non derivative (CCND) means that anyone can still read and cite the work but they can’t change or sell it and there may be other restrictions on re-use.  David Wiley argues that we need to clarify the definition of OER to allow for “free access to the resource” which at least from an end user’s perspective amounts to open access – though it may NOT allow for reuse, re-sale or other purposes. However,  Stephen Downs notes “It’s a clever argument but has the unpalatable consequence that a resource might not be available to anyone and yet still, by this definition, be classified as an OER.”

I’ll not resolve this issue in this post, but I’ve always favoured the rights and convenience to use a product over those seeking to re-use or benefit commercially. From my pragmatic perspective and much as I think that re-use and repurposing of digital media is a major problem in education, serving the needs of end users (students, actual teachers) shouldn’t be compromised by endless debates over ownership. However, I’ve been in enough useless arguments over software ownership by academic developers to know that CC licensing is a game changer for collaborative production. That is why there are a number of licences. Let’s not limit the right for anyone to benefit from the work in order to protect all possible rights of the creator.

Finally, let me address the now old argument  (first made to me by my PhD supervisor) that publishing only online, will limit the distribution of the work.  Open publication results in the work being more widely distributed- especially to practitioners and research audiences from developing worlds or in industry or K12 schools where journal access is often restricted due to costs.

Finally, It should be noted that a growing number of the proprietary journals publishers  (some in the table above) allow individual authors to “free” their work by submitting a publication fee – often around $2,000. This isn’t of too much value to educational researchers who rarely have an extra $2,000 lying around – or needing to be spent from a research grant!

So congrats again to IRRODL, to OJS and to Athabasca University for helping open quality scholarship to the world!

MOOCs Unfairly Maligned

MOOCs Unfairly Maligned

online-education moocs  The Chronicle of Higher Education continues to amaze me how badly they can cover a story. This morning’s edition contains an article with a jarring headline reading “Passive MOOC Students Don’t Retain New Knowledge, Study Finds.  The study by Littlejohn and Milligan and is under review for IRRODL and thus no one – neither the Chronicle authors nor the Scottish news article authors (the second hand information upon which the Chronicle article was based) have had a chance to review the final copy. Nonetheless, the study found that indeed many professionals did not appear to apply their new knowledge to professional practice in substantive ways and showed  little  reflection on learning- despite the overall favourable impression of the content and the MOOC course in general.

There was no mention of students retaining new knowledge – or not as implied by the heading.  But more fundamentally, the students learning experience was not optimal compared to what?   I doubt there is a professional alive who has not attended a professional development event in ANY format to which these same criticism could not be levelled- and for some of the ones I have attended the content itself has been terrible and I’ve paid real money for the privilege of attending.

MOOCs are not a “perfect” way to learn, and only starry eyed proponents or venture capitalists would (or at least have) argued they are.  The popular press and the “experts” at the Chronicle have spent the first 2 years of the MOOC gushing about how terrific they are and now they provide equally bad commentary denigrating them.  I’d likely cancel my subscription to the Chronicle, if like MOOCs, the mini electronic email edition I get each work day wasn’t free!


A Publishing Primer for Education Grad students

Ask any academic, and they will get into a long discourse about the value of publishing scholarly work, the politics of doing it, the challenges and the outlets.  Although you haven’t asked, I’d like to share my own ideas with particular relevance to publishing work related to distance education.

By way of background, I’ve been in the publish or perish business (as a full time academic) for the past 20 years. During that time I’ve published (solely or in collaboration) over 60 articles and have had my share of rejections as well (ouch!). I also have been the editor of IRRODL for the past 10 years, and so have been involved in the review and production of over 500 articles and many more rejections!

Why Publish?  If tenure or a promotion is at stake, the answer to this question is obvious. If not, publishing allows you the opportunity to share your work on an international scale. You’ve worked long and hard on a project and not only does your work likely warrant celebration and dissemination, the publication begins building your global academic career and increases your social capital, that you can cash in for a whole variety of rewards.  Publication also insures that your work preservers. It is a great treat when you get old (like myself) to revisit some of your earlier work – without having to find a machine that reads 5 ¼ floppy disks! Finally,  a quality review process, will show you how to improve the article and thus directly lead to increased capacity to express yourself in this format. A video addition to this post for an OER course.

Read More

on edited book chapters

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve had occasion to think about authoring and editing contributions to edited books. In this post, I’ll releate these incidents and then try to draw some conclusions.

1. Olaf Zawkler Richter and I have been working for the past 16 months on an edited book tentatively titled Towards a Research Agenda in Online Education. The chapter topics were chosen through a  systematic examination of the top issues in the distance education literature during the past decade. We then contacted the “grandest guru” in each of these research topics and asked them to write a chapter summarizing the issues and outlining a research agenda in that area. Of course, they weren’t all willing to do so- no coincidence that the most accomplished people are also the busiest!. But we were very pleased with the list of authors who agreed to author a chapter for us. Of course they didn’t all come in on the due date, but we  were pleased with the results. Olaf and I edited each chapter and each was sent back for revisions, and soon the book was ready for a publisher.

Both Olaf and I were committed to publishing in an open access press and  perhaps this choice of publisher influenced the the high participation rate of our ‘gurus. Thus. we choose Athabasca University Press for submission. The manuscript was reviewed internally and then sent for external review. Last week (about three months later) the reviews came back. One of the reviewers was particularly hard on some chapters and his comments were described by one of our authors as “boorish and ad hominem”. Nonetheless they were useful and will result in edits to most of the chapters.

So hopefully in the New Year, I will be announcing the availability of this book through AUPress.Read More

New Issue of IRRODL- Hits the online streets

New Issue of IRRODL- Hits the online streets

We are pleased and proud to present you with a large new issue of the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. This issue contains 16 research articles and two book reviews from 11 different countries.

I wish to thank each of the authors for sharing the results of their work and their thinking with us. I would also like to thank our reviewers and our managing editor for the work they put into creating IRRODL for us. Finally, as always, thanks to our sponsor, Athabasca University.

You may have noticed the new feature on the Google Scholar page that provides “Metrics,” a calculation of an H factor (a measure of the number of citations per article in the journal) that is a proxy measurement of the influence and prestige of a journal. Check it out. IRRODL does quite well, compared to other journals in our field.

Finally for those in the Northern Hemisphere, our best wishes for a relaxing and rejuvenating summer.

Terry Anderson, Ph.D.


International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning

Vol 13, No 3 (2012)

Table of Contents


Editorial: Volume 13, Number 3 HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Terry Anderson i-iv

Research Articles

Odyssey of the mind: Social networking in a cyberschool HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Michael K Barbour, Cory Plough 1-18
Motivation levels among traditional and open learning undergraduate students in India HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Shashi Singh, Ajay Singh, Kiran Singh 19-40
Development and validation of the Online Student Connectedness Survey (OSCS) HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Doris U Bolliger, Fethi A Inan 41-65
Quality assurance in e-learning: PDPP evaluation model and its application HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Weiyuan Zhang, Yau Ling Cheng 66-82
Creating a sustainable online instructor observation system: A case study highlighting flaws when blending mentoring and evaluation HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Marthann Schulte, Kay Dennis, Michael Eskey, Cathy Taylor, Heather Zeng 83-96
Mapping the interplay between open distance learning and internationalisation principles HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Pumela Msweli 97-116
Economies of scope in distance education: The case of Chinese research universities HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Fengliang Li, Xinlei Chen 117-131
Teaching time investment: Does online really take more time than face-to-face? HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Rebecca Van de Vord, Korolyn Pogue 132-146
M-learning adoption: A perspective from a developing country HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Shakeel Iqbal, Ijaz A. Qureshi 147-164
The development of distance education in the Russian Federation and the former Soviet Union HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Anna Kourotchkina 165-184
Delivery of open, distance, and e-learning in Kenya HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Jackline Anyona Nyerere, Frederick Q Gravenir, Godfrey S Mse 185-205
Learning in educational computer games for novices: The impact of support provision types on virtual presence, cognitive load, and learning outcomes HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Claudia Schrader, Theo Bastiaens 206-227
Examining interactivity in synchronous virtual classrooms HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Florence Martin, Michele A Parker, Deborah F Deale 228-261
A preliminary examination of the cost savings and learning impacts of using open textbooks in middle and high school science classes HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
David Wiley, John Levi Hilton III, Shelley Ellington, Tiffany Hall 262-276
Using self-efficacy to assess the readiness of nursing educators and students for mobile learning HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Richard F Kenny, Jocelyne MC Van Neste-Kenny, Pamela A Burton, Caroline L Park, Adnan Qayyum 277-296
Identification of conflicting questions in the PARES system HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Avgoustos Tsinakos, Ioannis Kazanidis 297-313

Book Notes

Book review – Quality assurance and accreditation in distance education and e-learning: Models, policies and research HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Kay Shattuck 314-318
Book review – The publish or perish book: Your guide to effective and responsible citation analysis HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Michael Barbour


New Edition of IRRODL

I am please to announce issue 13(2) of the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Education has been distributed to our over 5,600 email subscribers today.  I’ve pasted the table of contents below, but it looks prettier (with pictures!) if you go directly to


As you see there are 9 research articles, 2 field notes and a new section focussed on leadership in open and distance education.  As I noted in my editorial, I am really pleased to see that IRRODL continues to be an International Journal with articles this issue from  Japan, USA, Nigeria, Switzerland, Spain, Catalonia (Spain), Turkey, Iran, Canada, and Malaysia.

Thanks to all the authors, reviewers and of course our hard working Managing editor Brigette for what I think is a very good issue – enjoy!


Vol 13, No 2 (2012)

Table of Contents


Editorial: Volume 13, Number 2 HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Terry Anderson i-iv

Research Articles

Asian learners’ perception of quality in distance education and gender differences HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Insung Jung 1-25
Are online learners frustrated with collaborative learning experiences? HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Neus Capdeferro, Margarida Romero 26-44
Examining the reuse of open textbooks HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
John Levi Hilton III, Neil Lutz, David Wiley 45-58
Conceptual framework for parametrically measuring the desirability of open educational resources using D-index HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Ishan Sudeera Abeywardena, S Raviraja, Choy Yoong Tham 59-76
Contradictions in a distance course for a marginalized population at a Middle Eastern university HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Irshat Madyarov, Aida Taef 77-100
The relationship between flexible and self-regulated learning in open and distance universities HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Per Bernard Bergamin, Simone Ziska, Egon Werlen, Eva Siegenthaler 101-123
“Everybody is their own island”: Teacher disconnection in a virtual school HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Abigail Hawkins, Michael K Barbour, Charles R Graham 124-144
Building an inclusive definition of e-learning: An approach to the conceptual framework HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Albert Sangrà, Dimitrios Vlachopoulos, Nati Cabrera 145-159
Determining the feasibility of an e-portfolio application in a distance education teaching practice course HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Ilknur Kecik, Belgin Aydin, Nurhan Sakar, Mine Dikdere, Sinan Aydin, Ilknur Yuksel, Mustafa Caner 160-180

Field Notes

Developing and deploying OERs in sub-Saharan Africa: Building on the present HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Clayton R Wright, Sunday Reju 181-220
Assessment of challenges in developing self-instructional course materials at the National Open University of Nigeria HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Charity Akuadi Okonkwo 221-231

Leadership in Open and Distance Learning Notes

Editorial: Who needs leadership? Social problems, change, and education futures HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Marti Cleveland-Innes 232-235
Educational leadership for e-learning in the healthcare workplace HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Dorothy (Willy) Fahlman 236-246

Another edition of IRRODL

I’m pleased to share below the Table of Content for issue 12(6) of the International Review of Open and Distance Learning.

This issue has 10 research articles and 4 book reviews. When you go the IRRODL site, you will see that we are adding graphical enhancements – including  anew colour scheme, photos of the first authors, snaps of book covers and updates to  special issues.

Remember the price is right to subscribe – Free.


Table of ContentsEditorial

Terry Anderson

Research Articles

The importance of interaction for academic success in online courses with hearing, deaf, and hard-of-hearing students
Gary L Long, Carol Marchetti, Richard Fasse
Examining motivation in online distance learning environments: Complex, multifaceted and situation-dependent
Maggie Hartnett, Alison St. George, Jon Dron
Factors that impact student usage of the learning management system in Qatari schools
Ramzi Nasser, Maha Cherif, Michael Romanowski
Quality assurance in Asian distance education: Diverse approaches and common culture
Insung Jung, Tat Meng Wong, Chen Li, Sanjaa Baigaltugs, Tian Belawati
Literacy at a distance in multilingual contexts: Issues and challenges
Christine I Ofulue
Distance students’ readiness for social media and collaboration
Bruno Poellhuber, Terry Anderson
Applying the community of inquiry framework to an online professional practice doctoral program
Swapna Kumar, Kara Dawson, Erik W Black, Catherine Cavanaugh, Christopher D Sessums
Applying constructionist principles to online teacher professional development
Nathaniel Mark Ostashewski, Doug Reid, Susan Moisey
ODL and the impact of digital divide on information access in Botswana
Olugbade Oladokun, Lenrie Aina
Increased technology provision and learning: Giving more for nothing?
Emmanuelle Quillerou


Book Notes

Book Review – The Perfect Online Course: Best Practices for Designing and Teaching

Marta Ruiz-Corbella

Book review – Bridging the knowledge divide: Educational technology for development
Aminudin Zuhairi

Book review – Web 2.0-based e-learning: Applying social informatics for tertiary teaching

Juan Leon
Book review – Learning with digital games: A practical guide to engaging students in higher education
Maja Pivec

Interaction Equivalency Site Announcement

I am pleased to be able to introduce a new site – created by Terumi Miyazoe from Tokyo Denki University and myself to invite more use, critique and understanding of my 2003 distance education Interaction Equivalency Theorem.

Interaction has always been a defining (but expensive) component of all forms of education. In distance education, we have  expanded the definition of interaction to include that taking place between students and content- in addition to student-student and student-teacher interaction. Randy Garrison and I wrote an article in 1998 detailing the final three forms of educational interaction (teacher-teacher, teacher-content and content-content,- however the 3 student forms are the focus of most DE research and discussion.

In 2003 I began thinking that if you could get one of the three student forms of interaction at very highly levels of both quantity and quality in a formal course, then you have the necessary ingredients for a quality  learning experience – even in the absence of either or both of the other two forms. I expressed these and other ideas in more academic form in the 2003 article, but never took the idea much beyond this because I couldn’t figure out a way to disprove the theory . As the citizendium wiki puts “for a proposition to be considered scientific, it must, at least in principle, be possible to make an observation that would show it to be false. Otherwise, the proposition has, as Karl Popper put it, no connection with the real world.”

Thus, I was most delighted when Bob Bernard and his colleagues published a meta analysis of empirical DE research articles that generally served to support the theorem.  Since then a number of authors and doctoral studies have also confirmed or expanded upon my origional idea. Links to these articles and more is available at the website

Terumi and I welcome suggestions for other links, discussion or expansion of these ideas at the site.


Anderson, T. (2003). Getting the mix right again: An updated and theoretical rationale for interactionThe International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL), 4(2).

Anderson, T. D., & Garrison, R. D. (1998). Learning in a networked world: New roles and responsibilities. In C. C. Gibson (Ed.), Distance Learners in Higher Education (pp. 97-112). Madison, Wisconsin: Atwood Publishing. – The first manuscript that referred to the fourth interaction dimension of teacher-teacher, teacher-content, and content-content, called Modes of Interaction.

Bernard, M. R., Abrami, P. C., Borokhovski, E., Wade, C. A., Tamim, R. M., Surkes, M. A., & Bethel, E. C. (2009). A meta-analysis of three types of interaction treatments in distance educationThe Review of Educational Research (RER), 79(3), 1243-1289 – A meta-analysis on interaction research in light of the Equivalency Theorem covering 1985 – 2006 empirical studies in distance education.


Three Generations of Pedagogy and Elephants in the Room

Three Generations of Pedagogy and Elephants in the Room

The good folks at DERN (Australia) posted a nice summary of Jon Dron and my article from the recent Connectivist special issue of IRRODL.  They write:

“A review of the three dominant learning theories: Cognitive-Behaviourist, Social-Constructivist and Connectivist, and the pedagogies derived from them. The review is very relevant to the use of digital technologies in education using a community of inquiry analysis model beginning with a description of each learning theory and then analyses of the cognitive presence, social presence and teacher presence, and concludes with a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of each. This paper is a must read for educators interested in elearning.

Over a beer and salty tears yesterday, (we were watching the Canucks get hammered by the Bruins), Jon and I were talking about a slide set he was preparing for a presentation to our Nursing Faculty here at Athabasca.  One of the slides shows a fourth integrative pedagogy that it refers to as holist.Read More