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The Publish or Perish Book

The Publish or Perish Book

Well, after surviving end of term marking, coupled with two online keynotes and a real f2F one at Canadian MoodelMoot I’ve finally found some time to skim through two books that arrived on my desk that I want to share with you.

Product DetailsThe first is The Publish or Perish Book (P 0r P) by Anne-Wil Harzing. Harzing is one my heroes because she created and released  PorP Open Access program that uses Google Scholar to evaluate journals, articles, and authors based upon the number of citations of the work, collection or journal in other scholarly works.Read More

Connectivism – Special Issue of IRRODL

I’ve decided to repost the email I sent to subscribers to IRRODL, announcing this VERY special issue.  If you want to be one of the 5054 (and growing) IRRODL subscribers (its free) and get your very own email announcement of each new issue, rather than read this boring old blog, click here.

I am especially pleased with this special issue, partly because, I am becoming a connectivist evangelist, partially because this is the first full issue on Connectivsm in a peer reviewed Journal and certainly not least because Jon Dron and I have an article in it!

I usually shy away from publishing in IRRODL – too easy to be less than objective about reviewing and editing your own work!  But I took the opportunity of a hot topic, personal interest, great guest editors (who of course were ruthless in their reviews – making it a better article!!) and a brilliant co-author made this opportunity irresistible.

Here is the subscriber letter:Read More

New Issue of IRRODL

Vol 12, No 2 (2011)
Table of Contents
Editorial Volume 12, No. 2
Terry Anderson i-iii
Research Articles
Embodied and embedded theory in practice: The student-owned learning-engagement (SOLE) model HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Simon Paul Atkinson 1-18
Head of gold, feet of clay: The online learning paradox HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Thomas Michael Power, Anthony Morven-Gould 19-39
MarylandOnline’s inter-institutional project to train higher education adjunct faculty to teach online HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Julie Shattuck, Bobbi Dubins, Diana Zilberman 40-61
The isolation of online adjunct faculty and its impact on their performance HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Véra L B Dolan 62-77
A pedagogical framework for mobile learning: Categorizing educational applications of mobile technologies into four types HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Yeonjeong Park 78-102
Delimiting the prospect of openness: An examination of initial student approaches to e-learning HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Christopher Francis Naughton, John Roder, Juliette Emma Smeed 103-121
Field Notes
Mobile learning via SMS at Open University Malaysia: Equitable, effective, and sustainable HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Tina Lim, Mansor Fadzil, Norziati Mansor 122-137
Book Notes
Book review – Economics of distance and online learning: Theory, practice and research HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Wolfram Laaser 138-142
Technical Notes
Universal instructional design principles for mobile learning HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Tanya Elias 143-156
Online videoconferencing products: Update HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Douglas Burton, Tim Kitchen 157-165

I’m really pleased to present the second issue of IRRODL 12.2 for this year. I’ve cut and pasted the Table of Contents below, but you need to go to the IRRODL site to find the live links to this open access journal.


Read More

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

The start of this year promises to be an active one for consumers of distance education and open learning research. IRRODL will be publishing 3 issues in the next 6 weeks, beginning with Vol. 12(1) that is described and linked to in this post.

This special issue of IRRDOL focuses on the exciting convergence of interests between open and distance learning (ODL) and the recognition of prior learning (RPL). The guest editor of this special issue is Dr Dianne Conrad who is the director, Centre for Learning Accreditation at Athabasca University. Dianne has used her contacts in this community to solicit the quality research articles and field notes that help us all understand more deeply this important and timely topic.

We hope you will take the time to visit the site, download, bookmark and cite articles in this issue. As usual the articles are disseminated in HTML, PDF, MP3 (audio) and EPUB (mobile) formats.

Finally I wish to thank all authors, reviewers, editors (and especially Dianne Conrad) and sponsors who make quality open access publishing possible.

Terry Anderson


International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning

Athabasca University

Table of Contents

Editorial The landscape of prior learning assessment: A sampling from a diverse field Dianne Conrad HTML PDF MP3 EPUB

Research Articles

Dwell in possibility: PLAR and e-portfolios in the age of information and communication technologies
Judith O. Brown HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Preconditions for post-employment learning: Preliminary results from ongoing research
Linda Salter HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Validation of competencies in e-portfolios: A qualitative analysis
Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Eva Maria Baecker, Anke Hanft HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Creating a positive prior learning assessment (PLA) experience: A step-by-step look at university PLA
Sara M. Leiste, Kathryn Jensen HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Language of evaluation: How PLA evaluators write about student learning
Nan L. Travers, Bernard Smith, Leslie Ellis, Tom Brady, Liza Feldman, Kameyla Hakim, Bhuwan Onta, Maria Panayotou, Laurie Seamans, Amanda Treadwell HTML PDF MP3 EPUB

Field Notes

A dynamic community of discovery: Planning, learning, and change
Michelle Gordon, Martha Ireland, Mina Wong HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
The development of an online instrument for prior learning assessment and recognition of internationally educated nurses: A pilot study
Elaine Elizabeth Santa Mina, Carol Eifert, Martha Ireland, Carol Fine, Gail Wilson, Vaska Micevski, Ruth Wojtiuk, Martha Valderrama HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Going online to make learning count
Cathy Brigham, Rebecca Klein-Collins HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Prior learning assessment and recognition: Emergence of a Canadian community of scholars
Christine Wihak HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Evaluating prior learning assessment programs: A suggested framework
Nan L. Travers, Marnie T. Evans HTML PDF MP3 EPUB

New Issue of IRRODL

Dear Colleagues

We are pleased to present another fine issue of the International Review of Research in Open  and Distance Learning.

This issue is packed with 8 research articles and 3 book reviews. You notice as well that all content is formatted in HTML, PDF, MP3 and EPUB to maximize your accessibility and learning. Finally don’t miss the opportunity to download two of the books reviewed in this issue which are available in open access format from

Our thanks (on your behalf) to authors, reviewers and IRRODL staff for their contributions.

We trust you will enjoy and learn from the issue and I hope you go to WWW.IRRODL.ORG to register for free subscription or to volunteer as a reviewer.

Terry Anderson


International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning

Athabasca University

Table of Contents


Thanksgiving HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Terry Anderson i-iii

Research Articles

Examining the anatomy of a screencast: Uncovering common elements and instructional strategies HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
William Sugar, Abbie Brown, Kenneth Luterbach 1-20

Development of interactive and reflective learning among Malaysian online distant learners: An ESL instructor’s experience HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Siew Ming Thang, Puvaneswary Murugaiah 21-41

A review of trends in distance education scholarship at research universities in North America, 1998-2007 HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Randall S. Davies, Scott L. Howell, Jo Ann Petrie 42-56

Student and faculty perceptions of the quality of online learning experiences HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Michael E. Ward, Gary Peters, Kyna Shelley 57-77

Teaching and learning social justice through online service-learning courses HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Kathy L. Guthrie, Holly McCracken 78-94

The pedagogical enhancement of open education: An examination of problem-based learning HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Seth Gurell, Yu-Chun Kuo, Andrew Walker 95-105

Using collaborative course development to achieve online course quality standards HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Ining Tracy Chao, Tami Saj, Doug Hamilton 106-126

Online instructional effort measured through the lens of teaching presence in the community of inquiry framework: A re-examination of measures and approach HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Peter Shea, Suzanne Hayes, Jason Vickers 127-154

Book Notes

Book review – A designer’s log: Case studies in instructional design HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Airina Volungevičienė 155-157

Book review – Accessible elements: Teaching science online and at a distance HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Bryan F. Woodfield 158-163

Book review – Mega-schools, technology and teachers: Achieving education for all HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Alejandro Pisanty 164-167

Issue 11(2) of IRRODL Published

Table of Contents
Terry Anderson i-iii
Research Articles
Cultural dimensions of learning: Addressing the challenges of multicultural instruction HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Patrick Parrish, Jennifer Linder-VanBerschot 1-19
Unbundling faculty roles in online distance education programs HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Jan Tucker, Patricia Neely 20-32
Process-based assessment for professional learning in higher education: Perspectives on the student-teacher relationship HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Peter Bergström 33-48
The relationship between academic discipline and dialogic behavior in open university course forums HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Paul Gorsky, Avner Caspi, Avishai Antonovsky, Ina Blau, Asmahan Mansur 49-72
Length of online course and student satisfaction, perceived learning, and academic performance HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Janet M. Ferguson, Amy E. DeFelice 73-84
Field Notes
The challenges of implementing distance education in Uganda: A case study HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Gudula Naiga Basaza, Natalie B. Milman, Clayton R. Wright 85-91
Book Notes
Learning cultures in online education HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Nataly Tcherepashenets 92-96
Perspectives on distance education: Open schooling in the 21st century HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Ramesh Chander Sharma 97-99
Technical Notes
Thirty years of distance education: Personal reflections HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Terralyn McKee 100-109
Universal instructional design principles for Moodle HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Tanya Elias 110-124
Message interactions in online asynchronous discussions: The problem of being “too nice” ELLUMINATE/POWERPOINT/MP3
Geoffrey Roulet
Three generations of distance education pedagogy ELLUMINATE/POWERPOINT/MP3
Terry Anderson
This year’s second issue of the International Review of Research on Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL) was released on Friday.
As usual all articles are published in HTML, PDF, MP3 and ePub – for viewing on your new Ipad!

Table of Contents


Terry Anderson i-iii

Research Articles

Cultural dimensions of learning: Addressing the challenges of multicultural instruction HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Patrick Parrish, Jennifer Linder-VanBerschot 1-19
Unbundling faculty roles in online distance education programs HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Jan Tucker, Patricia Neely 20-32
Process-based assessment for professional learning in higher education: Perspectives on the student-teacher relationship HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Peter Bergström 33-48
The relationship between academic discipline and dialogic behavior in open university course forums HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Paul Gorsky, Avner Caspi, Avishai Antonovsky, Ina Blau, Asmahan Mansur 49-72
Length of online course and student satisfaction, perceived learning, and academic performance HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Janet M. Ferguson, Amy E. DeFelice 73-84

Field Notes

The challenges of implementing distance education in Uganda: A case study HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Gudula Naiga Basaza, Natalie B. Milman, Clayton R. Wright 85-91

Book Notes

Learning cultures in online education HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Nataly Tcherepashenets 92-96
Perspectives on distance education: Open schooling in the 21st century HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Ramesh Chander Sharma 97-99

Technical Notes

Thirty years of distance education: Personal reflections HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Terralyn McKee 100-109
Universal instructional design principles for Moodle HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Tanya Elias 110-124


Message interactions in online asynchronous discussions: The problem of being “too nice” ELLUMINATE/POWERPOINT/MP3
Geoffrey Roulet
Three generations of distance education pedagogy ELLUMINATE/POWERPOINT/MP3
Terry Anderson

New issue of IRRODL

New issue of IRRODL

Dear Friends We are pleased to announce issue 11(1) of the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. This is a general issue featuring 7 research articles, 2 articles from the field, 3 CIDER session recordings, and 1 book review.

In the issue editorial, I discuss changes to our Creative Commons license and to IRRODL’s policy on papers previously distributed via blogs or conference proceedings.

We are confident that you will both enjoy and learn from the knowledge freely shared by our authors, reviewers, editors, and publisher. Enjoy.

Terry Anderson, Editor

Table of Contents


IRRODL policy changes HTML PDF EPUB
Terry Anderson i-iii

Research Articles

The role of volition in distance education: An exploration of its capacities HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Markus Deimann, Theo Bastiaens 1-16
Learning in an online distance education course: Experiences of three international students HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Zuochen Zhang, Richard Kenny 17-36
An investigation of distance education in North American research literature using co-word analysis HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Albert Dieter Ritzhaupt, Michelle Stewart, Patryce Smith, Ann E. Barron 37-60
Profiles in self-regulated learning in the online learning environment HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Lucy Barnard-Brak, Valerie Osland Paton, William Yun Lan 61-80
Live, online short-courses: A case study of innovative teacher professional development HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Meghan E. Marrero, Jessica Fitzsimons Riccio, Karen A. Woodruff, Glen S. Schuster 81-95
The comparative instructional effectiveness of print-based and video-based instructional materials for teaching practical skills at a distance HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Francis Donkor 96-116
Using mobile phones to improve educational outcomes: An analysis of evidence from Asia HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
John-Harmen Valk, Ahmed T. Rashid, Laurent Elder 117-140

Field Notes

Reaching REMOTE learners: Successes and challenges for students in an online graduate degree program in the Pacific Islands HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Kavita Rao, Charles Giuli 141-160
“Can you hear me, Hanoi?” Compensatory mechanisms employed in synchronous net-based English language learning HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Una Mary Cunningham, Kristy Beers Fägersten, Elin Holmsten 161-177

Book Notes

Distance and blended learning in Asia HTML PDF EPUB
Tony Bates 178-181


Blended online learning design: Shaken not stirred Elluminate/Powerpoint/MP3
Norm Vaughn, Michael Power
Bi-national learning and the Internet: Grassroots experiments in global education Elluminate/Powerpoint/MP3
William Egnatoff
Moving online: Taking teaching and learning beyond four walls Elluminate/Powerpoint/MP3
Steven Rowe

Journals as Filters and Active Agents

George Siemens sent me a link  to a post by Cameron Neylon that attempts to pound yet another nail in the coffin of peer review. As an editor of a peer reviewed Journal (IRRODL) I was naturally both curious and a bit defensive about the charges.

Neylon argues that for peer review “ Whatever value it might have we largely throw away. Few journals make referee’s reports available, virtually none track the changes made in response to referee’s comments enabling a reader to make their own judgment as to whether a paper was improved or made worse. Referees get no public credit for good work, and no public opprobrium for poor or even malicious work. And in most cases a paper rejected from one journal starts completely afresh when submitted to a new journal, the work of the previous referees simply thrown out of the window.

Let me respond by describing some  IRRODL practices. We don’t make referee’s reports public, mostly because of the work that would be involved in cleaning them up, getting permissions and my questioning the value of these reports. Do the readers really care if reviewer A doesn’t like the wording of the abstract, or Reviewer B’s thinks the author has missed a major reference, or reviewer C says the statistical analysis of the data is weak? We return all these comments to the reviewer and ask them (using tracked changes and a point form response) how they responded (or why they choose not to respond) to the concerns and suggestions of the reviewers. Now of course this applies only if we want to see the article again for further review or publication. As Neylon suggests if we decline the offer to publish, the process may start anew with a second journal, but the work of the reviewers is not “simply thrown out the window”. In some cases the author gives up (often appropriately so, as the reviewers found fatal flaws or ones that demand more work than the author is willing to give to the paper). The author also gains the lesson learned and experience (hard though it may feel) of  how NOT to write a scholarly article. But in other cases, a smart author will take into account the comments of the reviewers and improve the paper- thus increasing its chances of successful publication elsewhere. This demonstrates the ongoing value of the reviewers’ work, even if the article is, or is not, published elsewhere.Read More

Happy Holidays!
For your holiday reading, The International review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL) offers a final edition, featuring 6 research articles, one note from the field, a book review, and 5 web conference recordings from the Canadian Institute for Distance Education Research.

This issue marks our tenth year and largest number – 6 of issues.  This success makes us mindful of the support of our publisher, Athabasca University Press, our sponsor, Athabasca University, and the many academics and students who volunteer their time and talents in creating, reviewing, and promoting open education research.

Best wishes for a rejuvenating, yet learning-filled holiday and New Year!

Terry Anderson, Editor

IRRODL and the Virtual Canuck

Table of Contents  from


IRRODL year in review HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Terry Anderson i-ii

Research Articles

A case study of an international e-learning training division: Meeting objectives HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Rory McGreal 1-20
Review of distance education research (2000 to 2008): Analysis of research areas, methods, and authorship patterns HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Eva Maria Baecker, Sebastian Vogt 21-50
Time students spend reading threaded discussions in online graduate courses requiring asynchronous participation HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Abbie H. Brown, Tim Green 51-64
Online and blended communities of inquiry: Exploring the developmental and perceptional differences HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Zehra Akyol, D. Randy Garrison, M. Yasar Ozden 65-83
A review of adventure learning
George Veletsianos, Irene Kleanthous 84-105
Evaluation of an undergraduate physics programme of Indira Gandhi National Open University: A case study HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Arundhati Mishra, – Vijayshri, Suresh Garg 106-123

Field Notes

The first doctoral program in distance education in North America HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Dorothy (Willy) Fahlman 124-136

Book Notes

Online learning as a strategic asset HTML PDF EPUB MP3
Michael F. Beaudoin

IRRODL 10(5) on Openness and the Future of Higher Education

We are pleased to present this very topical issue of the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL) on openness. Notions of open scholarship, open access publication, open educational resources, tuition-free institutions, and open source software continue to gain popular, research, and commercial interest. Thus, I was very pleased to receive an email 18 months ago from David Wiley offering to guest edit a special issue of IRRODL on openness.

He and his colleague John Hilton III coordinated a call for proposals and had over 25 responses. From these, 12 were selected for full paper development, and 8 survived peer review and appear as the contents of this issue. Brigette and I would like to thank David and John for their considerable efforts in very actively managing the editorial work involved. I am sure you will join me in congratulating David and John as well as the authors for contributing to this very important and timely special issue. Finally, links are provided to the archived recordings of 5 sessions presented by Athabasca University as part of our Open Access Week celebrations. Enjoy!
Terry Anderson
Editor, International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning

Special Issue: Openness and the Future of Higher Education

International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 10(5)

Table of ContentsRead More