George Siemens and I are putting the final touches on a doctoral and faculty seminar that TEKRI (at Athabasca University) is sponsoring here in Edmonton at the end of June. The seminar features presentations by Athabasca faculty – including George,  Kinshuk, Jon Dron, Dragan Gasevic, myself and special guests Allison Littlejohn Stephen Downes and others. The seminar runs for five days (June 21-25) and features social excursions around Edmonton each evening. For details see the seminar site at or the seminar poster at Doctoral Seminar poster

The seminar is designed for graduate students and faculty interested in an indepth look at social networking research in education from ed tech and information science perspectives. There is still room and time to register, so please consider coming to Edmonton- it actually is a beautiful city and the solstice summer evenings are wonderful. Also I would be grateful if you would forward or post the poster to colleagues!

