I have nearly completed this term’s paper and report marking using Adobe Acrobat to add voice comments and annotations. In a word, the results are terrific!!
First, it saved me time. I am not a fast typer and using voice, meant I didn’t even have to spell check!! My comments were much longer than text annotations and I was able to give examples, suggestions etc. that I could have done in text, but likely would not have due to time constraints.
Second, I was able to express more affect by chuckling, expressing uncertainty and in other ways adding a personal touch to the marking.
Three, I was still able to add text comments and a marking rubric at the end using a text annotation tool that floated over the text and allowed me to annotate without disturbing the text, as it would if I made tracked changes using Word (I could of course, have used Word’s comment feature with similar results).
Four, initial feedback from students seem very positive.
So I think voice annotation of essays and term projects will win a place in my teachers “personal learning environment”
How did I do it? Following the inspiration and great work of Phil Ice et al. (see an excellent paper on the subject here) I purchased a copy of the full version of Acrobat (not just the reader). Educational price was $160 Canadian with tax and it installed easily on my Mac. I tried using the internal mic, but I could not reduce the quality of the recording enough to create ‘efficient recordings” – ones that are small enough to be emailed. Unfortunately, the MacBook doesn’t accept a regular PC microphone, so I had to buy the iMic accessory that hooks into the USB port and provides a normal microphone in and out. I could then use Audio Midi Setup tools to reduce the recording quality to 8000 Hz. This quality is fine for a single voice and gives 15 second annotations at about 200 KB. Phil tells me that this initial setup is much less problematic on a Windows machine.
On my first try I hadn’t reduced the audio quality and the result was a paper of 25 MBytes, which choked my email system. Later, with reduction in HZ, final projects were in the 2-10 MByte range, with my voice annotations. I realized later that by using the Moodle drop box for returning assignments, I didn’t have to worry so much about the email restrictions, however large file size is a concern on any voice or video annotation application. I did have to reload two files which seemed to have gotten damaged in delivery to Moodle, but it could have been my impatience at fault.
A few years ago, I had used the voice annotation tools built into Microsoft Word, but had to abandon the project when the files got absolutely HUGE. I haven’t played with Office 2007/8 versions, so maybe the quality reduction for voice annotation can be done with Word as well, but I do recommend the Acrobat tool for ease of use- though I did have to convert every Word file submitted to a PDF (quite easily done using the save as PDF feature in Word 2008).
So thanks Phil for excellent advice and demonstartion of this tool at last years Canadian Network for Innovation in Education conference.
I’m a believer!! There are many ways to improve education, but few that also save teacher time!
Hi there, I noticed you mentioned a failed attempt or two at transfering your large files. Why not try 2large2email (http://www.2large2email.com/)? They’ve got a free plan that allows transfering individual files of up to 100mb in size.
Hi Terry,
I have taken a different approach to grading papers and providing feedback. Compare this to what you are doing with Adobe Acrobat. Tell me what you think of the comparison.
I use an IBM Tablet PC (ThinkPad, X61) and have my students submit files in .pdf format. I purchased an inexpensive program called PDF Annotator (http://ograhl.com/en/pdfannotator/) that allows me to annotate the .pdf document in ways that Adobe Acrobat does not provide.
I mark up papers on the screen, much the same way I would when grading papers by hand. I save the marked up file as a .pdf file.
I use TokBox (http://www.tokbox.com) to record a short video commentary about a student’s paper. TokBox hosts the video clip and gives me a URL link to the video message.
I send an email to a student with the graded paper (marked up .pdf document) attached to the email. The .pdf file is relatively small and generally does not cause a file size problem.
I include the hyperlink to the video message within the text of the email.
When the email is received, the student prints the .pdf file. The student then clicks on the link to the video message. The video message displays in a flash player.
The student reviews the graded document while I talk to the student through the video message about the paper. [NOTE: A TokBox message may last up to 15 minutes in length.]
Both the audio message that you described and the TokBox video message are asynchronous. I think you may find that the video message provides a warmer way of communicating between you and your student.
You indicated that you use a MAC computer. Does your computer run both the Apple and Windows operating systems? If yes, I think you should be able to run the programs that I use.
Student feedback has been extremely positive to the approach that I described here. It is a very way to interact with a student. The method is easy to use.
Tell me what you think.
Rick Lillie (CalState San Bernardino)
Hi Rick,
Just a couple of points. PDF Annotator is indeed a good tool and works well if one has Acrobat, but not Acrobat Pro. If you have the full version of Acrobat Pro all of the features in Annotator are present. You can also use a graphics tablet to duplicate the drawing and manual markup features if you have a desktop or non-tablet laptop.
With respect to the video clip – I have been playing a bit with video and the results seem to offset each other to some extent. As you note, the video is indeed perceived as being warmer by the student. However, when I have drilled down into how students learn from audio feedback what I have found is that they frequently listen to the instructors comments while reading the section that is being commented on. When a video clip is provided they tend to view the feedback and then read what is being commented on. Whether or not they retain the comments better in either format is still a question I am working on – not a large enough data set to make that call yet. However, if you are working along the same lines I would love to talk with you about your research.
Phil Ice
Hi Phil,
Let’s write or talk soon. I would like to hear about your work.
I use Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.0. I have tried using it with a graphics pad. However, the performance is not too good. I find PDF Annotator to be far more flexible than anything that Adobe Acrobat can do.
I have offered feedback in both audio and video formats. Students seem to prefer video feedback. I think the preference for video has to do with instructor presence in the process. It may also have something to do with a student’s learning preference (i.e., visual versus aural).
Student comments suggest that the combination of email + annotated .pdf document atttachment + video link provides a learning experience similar to what they would get when visiting with the instructor during office hours. While the technique that I use is asynchronous, it provides interaction similar to a synchronous experience that takes place during an office visit.
Let’s talk sometime soon. I’ll be happy to share ideas with you.
Happy New Year!
Rick Lillie
Terry, your post made me think of Russell Stannard’s work with screen capture programmes to give student feedback.
Russell has done a lot of work with this, and the fact that the result is just one video file makes it a simple solution.
You can check it out for yourself here: http://russellstannard.com/
I’ve tried that sort of thing a few years ago with Captivate – which we have on Campus.
It let me highlight parts of the document on screen (in this case, Word, but could have been anything) & comment. It then creates a .swf based file – which I sent the student. I could have added text annotations – but didn’t (she was dyslexic – hence trying this method) & could have added a rubric at the end (there wasn’t one for that particular exercise)
She was most appreciative – and it was fairly straightforward for me. (though not particularly good at time saving, as my typing’s pretty fast)
Other staff are experimenting at the moment using Wimba Voice tools to create audio files. ONe thing that’s come out is that because Wimba attaches it to an email & sends it to the student, the lecturer has had to mark each essay in turn, and then to send the students the *feedback*, but not the actual grade, as she doesn’t want to release them till they’ve all been marked.
As a consequence, she said, the students are taking much more notice of the feedback, as they try to work out what grade they think they’ll be getting…
I’m intrigued by the various ways that it is now possible to do this. One way that worked well for us in a international distance ed context was:
1. use digital recorder or mp3 player. Record feedback as you’re working through the assignment. The recorders generally record small wav files, so conversions not usually necessary. We tried to keep them under 5 minutes, (as requested by students).
2. save, plug recorder in to computer, itunes pops up.
3. save files with clear identifier–name of student, assignment # etc.
4. attach in the CMS (we used WebCT with the assignment tool, but could work with WebCT email as well) along with a rubric for the assignment.
This worked well with distance students who were on slower connections, much to our surprise. We did a mini-study on it, reported here (http://www.editlib.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=Reader.ViewAbstract&paper_id=21228) , in relation to transactional distance and teaching presence.
Thanks for sharing your experience — and thanks to all those who commented before me! I have some new ideas to try when the next semester starts!
[…] Marking with Voice tools | Virtual Canuck […]
Terry: THis posting and discussion are encouraging. I have never found this subject to be discouraging, in part because of cost and ease of administration. I hope to get a trial going early in the new year at the undergraduate level with volunteers in nursing, psychology, CLL, SALS and business.
I think I remember Brian Stewart saying that Wimba can do the same thing as Adobe Pro, and that the WImba suite is actually less costly than the full Adobe suite (with communications, etc.) THis troubles me slightly, because I fear that students and tutors may balk at having to swallow WIMBA plus MOODLE, while Adobe Pro, merely gives them the option in most cases of either submitting word e-mail attachments or uploading to Moodle as the case may be. I think that the option of Adobe voice feedback could be picked up quite quickly–i.e. in 2009!
I was just wondering what you think of WImba as an alternative or substitute for Adobe. I know it may bebetter for languages because of voicemail nad podcast features, but…I don;t want the use of voice feedback to be a hostage to all those other issues.
cheers, and Happy New year,